Managing Safely – Accredited by IOSH
Who’s it for?
Managing safely is for managers and supervisors in any sector, and any organisation. It’s designed to get managers up to speed on the practical actions they need to take to handle
health and safety in their teams. Managing safely won’t turn delegates into safety experts – but it will give them the knowledge and tools to tackle the health and safety issues they’re
responsible for. Importantly, it brings home just why health and safety is such an essential part of their job role.
This course can be organised on a flexible basis but must take place over at least 24 hours (usually 4 days). There is an ongoing risk assessment project and a final written multi – choice assessment that delegates must complete successfully.
Course syllabus is as follows:
- Introducing Managing Safely
- Assessing risks
- Controlling risks
- Understanding your responsibilities
- Identifying hazards
- Investigating incidents and accidents
- Measuring performance
Please contact us for a group price quote
Please contact us for details of any open courses running in your area.
M: 07989 655 280 E: